“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.” — Yogi Berra
Almost everything in life has its corresponding Yogism. The NIBA/DePaul Symposiums are no different, as over the past six years the Symposium has offered a forum to ponder as an industry where we have been, where we are now and where we are going.
The 2019 symposium will continue that tradition, as we try to figure out which way we’re headed so we know when we get there. If to know where we are going we have to know where we have been, Dan Roth is well suited to guide us. Dan’s 30 plus years at the National Futures Association covered everything from the introduction of equity index futures and transition from floor to screen to the collapse of Long Term Capital Management, Lehman, MF Global and the crises that ensued. Reflecting on Dan’s leadership and experience will provide valuable insights as to what may come next.
Exploring where we are, the Symposium will consider after a decade of sideways performance for the big trend followers that dominate the space, what is the state of managed futures? We’ll talk to three experts who deal with the traders, strategies and clients that comprise the asset class.
Finally, we’ll take a look at where we are going as we hear from three speakers on the future of regulation, the introduction of micro equity index futures and how they can be marketed in a digital world. If Yogi were attending, he’d no doubt remind us of his famous tautology that you can observe a lot just by watching. We are excited to come observe and learn, as NIBA and DePaul continue their partnership in 2019. We invite you to do the same.